Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Transition Looming?

First we want to thank all of you who have helped, who have reached out to us through blog comments, emails, facebook messages, letters and cards - it is important in times like this to feel there is a network of support.

We have been around her constantly in the last days. We have all had a chance to have close moments with her, and have had the opportunity to read to her some of your communications.

Anne's pain medication was increased this morning, and has effectively knocked her out for most of the day, although she did see two episodes of The West Wing. She is drinking less and less, but still vomits, and appears to be gently fading away...

Thankfully, she is peaceful and without pain.

Thank you again for being there.


Anonymous said...

Thank you JP for keeping us informed. Many thanks to you, Eric and Miriam for being there to look after Anne, for all of us who cannot be there all the time.

Anne lives forever in our hearts.


Lilla said...

Sending you much love and strength on these difficult days. You are permanently in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Love you all.
Nathalie Claude xxxxxxxyz

Marcy said...

Dearest and Anne, I am with you in my thoughts. Please squeeze Anne's hand for me and tell her I love her very much, Marcy.

David Stevenson said...

Cuz Anne and family -- we send our love over the miles to you all. Anne, you have always been at the heart of the Stevenson clan, and your smile and infectiously happy attitude have always made us feel a special bond with you and yours. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. -- Cuzzins Dave, Trish, Heather, Laryssa and Daniel.

Unknown said...

Jean Paul, can you give Anne that big hug
I've been longing to give her for so long....Anne,I'm with you every moment of the day,with your voice,your smile and your unique sense of humour,
Love to you all,

Unknown said...

We LOVE you two so much that being close to you with our souls gives us the feeling to be physically present.
We know, we feel, we resent, we share your sunshines


Anonymous said...

Nous vivons avec vous ces moments de gravité, empreints de tant d'amour et tant de dignité...
Anne, tu es l'ambassadrice de la Vie. Tu véhicules et insuffles l'amour et la générosité partout. Quand le corps lâche, c'est ce qui reste.
Jean-Paul,emplis-toi d'elle. Ton courage m'ébahit.
Encore merci pour ces leçons de vie. Puissent-elles nous inonder et ne jamais nous quitter.

Love, so much..

Marie- Paule Meunier

Anonymous said...

Jean-Marc and I admire the way you turn all these instants into positive words.

Let our friendship continue for ever over the terrestrial borders into heaven !

Ann, your smile and happiness will remain within us forever!

Anonymous said...

hugs to you guys.

Unknown said...

all the comments here and on facebook to you say it all - you are an insipiration to me and many many others. With lots of warm thoughts to you, JP and your family. Big hug, lots of love, Rhiannon xxx

Anonymous said...

Dearest... big hug and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Much love and admiration.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for including us in these precious moments JP. My heart aches for you. Anne is and will always be an inspiration to us all. We are blessed to have had her in our lives. Much love,

Anonymous said...

Much much love to you and Anne. Thinking of you both often,

Eric Parker said...

Thanks to all of you for being there with Anne and making each transition a positive step. jean Paul you have gone beyond the call of duty to keep us all informed - so appreciated
A gentle hug to our fading Anne - both with joy and great sadness
Eric and Terry.

Anonymous said...

Sweetest Anne: We will meet again! I am with you in my thoughts and prayers. Cecilie

Jim Watts said...

Thinking of you. I have always admired you both, and that will never end.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne,
I am thinking very much about you and sending you big hugs and love.

Unknown said...

Dear Anne. I didn't get to see you this week but you are very much in my thoughts, every day. What a journey you have had - even now. JP - my hat's off to you with the greatest respect for your strength. Love to all, and from Eriko, Larry

Ann said...

Anne, How blessed you have been to have the love, support and care of your wonderful family. You, in turn, have blessed all who know and love you. Peace be with you.
Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

You are dearly loved.
xxx Trace

Helen said...

Woke up this morning at 4am, having just been with you in a dream - you were so calm, gently radiating the generosity of spirit and life-loving humour you've had since I first met you as a student a hundred billion years ago! Thank you , thank you Anne for being YOU. Such a very special person, with an extraordinary flock of genuine & loving friends. I know that this great store of love and support will keep flowing for JP, Miriam, Eric and your family - they are such a very special part of you -and though thousands of miles may separate us all, all our spirits and love are with you always... Big hugs beautiful Anne XXXXXXLove Helen

Anonymous said...

Dear JP - here is sending you all the strength and prayers and love that I can muster, I pray that ordeal is made a little easier. I have nothing but wonderful memories of you both and feel blessed to have you in my life, when you can and if you can please give a hug to her from me and express my love for her. I can only pray for strength, love and the the best for you, anne and your wonderful family. you are in my heart..sinzi.

Anonymous said...

I find myself thinking about you all constantly. Anne, you where and are a light in my life. I love you. Jean-Paul, Miriam, Eric and all of your family; my heart goes out to you. I wish you all peace, love and strength in this very difficult time. Helen xxx

Anonymous said...

Sending you our greeting from North Carolina. All your students at Methodist send their love and messages of hope. Thank you both for all you have done for the UWC students and as friends for me! Always in my thoughts.

MARIANO said...

Dearest JP & Anne,
Thinking of you often.
Love you both very much.

Unknown said...

Thank you for being so generous and hospitable and full of humour the times we shared when we lived on Rainsford and attended TFS. Love to all the family at this special time. Mary and Flavia

Unknown said...

Dear JP, i just got to know about all of this, i hope Anne is not in much pain, i have personally lost my father to cancer 9 years ago and i can understand how u must all be feeling now...i will pray for her to be strong and for u to be stronger!
much love, and please give Anne a big big hug from me and from Palestine!
she is and will always be in my thoughts and in my heart!
Thinking of u both!
Zumurrudah..rcnuwc 97-99

Susan Wales said...

Just wanted you to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many Roanoke friends. Your Roanoke friends are so proud of you and your accomplishments and the life you have lived and especially the grace you have exhibited through your battle with cancer.

DavidHeap said...

Thinking of you all, every day. Much love to Eric, Miriam, J-p and Anne.

Big hugs,

noodlecapricciosa said...

My thoughts are with you all.

Holly from UWCAD

Anonymous said...

Love and big hugs to JP and the family. My thoughts are with you! Thank you for keeping us updated. I hope both Anne and yourself feel the love coming for all over the world. You are both very, very loved!! Anne - you are truly the most warm-hearted, kind and inspirational person I have ever met.

mvujajasho said...

Anne & J-P,

You have touched, shaped, and supported our lives in so many special ways more than you can imagine. The special place you will hold in our hearts will remain brightly lit with your love that has made us who we are today...and will remain with us for the rest of our lives.

- Kido

Lars said...

Dearest Anne and JP,

I love you both and I thank life because I share a bit of your lifes with you, and because since 1995 you were a big, big part of mine.

You both are beautiful and you both live in so many hearts..and although there is no words that would be enough, I just wanted to say thank you for all the love you shared with so many of us.

I love you Anne and you will always be in my heart.

JP, all I can say is that my love goes to you.

Un abrazo con todo mi corazón for both of you.


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