Thursday, July 22, 2010

A little better all the time

I'm beginning to get anxious calls from friends, so it must be time to update my blog once again. Coming home from the hospital was a big deal for me. I'd always heard that hospital was where you caught stuff, and with a big incision in my tummy, I was feeling vulnerable. The ride home was rough, with each bump shifting my insides. It was lovely to be eating real meals outside, to be sleeping in my own bed and to be taking slow walks around the neighborhood. I had learned that keeping to a strict schedule of Tylenol and Naproxen was important, and I was feeling pretty good.

On day 12 I went to my family doctor to have my staples removed, and to touch base with her. It felt good to have a snag-free tummy again, and no, my belly didn't pop open once the metal was removed. Just having a doctor to chat with about all sorts of things was nice - she explained a lot about the healing process to me, and said that I was progressing very well. She thinks that I could begin to cut down on my pain killers, since I am feeling so well.

Day 13 I went to see a naturopath who talked a lot about dietary treatment that could be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or after chemo is over. It would be nice if the MDs could work with NDs, but that isn't happening yet in Canada, so I left with a list of supplements to run by my oncologist to see what she will allow me to take during chemo. If nothing, then I will get back in touch with my ND when I have exhausted my chemo options. I am taking only 1 Tylenol every 4 hours now, as well as the Naproxen.

Day 14, yesterday, I decided to stop taking the Tylenol, and in typical Super Woman mode I decided that I was ready to shop at Costco. Bad plan. First of all, the half hour car ride was about all that I could take - I only managed to get to the frozen food section before I was on my knees, and I spent the rest of the hour sitting on a bench in the food court while JP and Malle finished shopping. I couldn't get back home fast enough and take a couple of Tylenol. So my lesson has been - 1. listen to the experts - 2. it takes about 6 weeks to heal completely - 3. pain killers are your friends - often (lie down) during the day.

Day 15 and I am back on track with the Tylenol. I had a couple of visits from friends this afternoon, and a couple of mid-day naps, and am feeling great now. Miriam will be here tomorrow with Viva, so the house is being super cleaned and healthy food prepared in advance. We are all aware that her critical eye will soon be upon us!

1 comment:

maria-loves-dilijan said...

Dear Anne,

Super to hear you checked out the naturopath. I know this sounds a bit funny, but maybe the lady at the witch's hut in Haugland knew a thing or two, when she turned from medical doctor to herbalist. (Anna Garner told me some stories about the place when she was clearing it with some students) *shudder* Essentially, she wasn't really a witch, just a medical doctor turned herbalist.

I bet you were incredibly cool watching them remove the staples. Maybe it's everyone else watching these removals that freak out. I was cringing pulling out the tape on my sister's C-section wound and she just looked at my face in mild amusement. Hope it didn't hurt, still....

love you and leave this song with you:

Big hugs and much love,

My New Boubou

My New Boubou
Boubou with handy pocket

Getting better

Getting better
Wilson and Me

Due to Popular Demand

Due to Popular Demand
I'm a Redhead

I still love my chemotherapy

I still love my chemotherapy
Who needs hair anyway?

I love my chemotherapy

I love my chemotherapy
walking to Princess Margaret