Friday, September 17, 2010

"Musical Hospitals"

JP speaking: Anne is now at Princess Margaret Hospital, being monitored for an infection she recently contracted.

It has been a busy time! Since her visit to Womens' College Hospital Urgent Care Centre on the Labour Day weekend, where she suffered enemas, she had an unproductive visit at an endoscopy clinic last Thursday, but on Friday was being seen again by Dr M, her oncologist at PMH, and has seen her every day this week.

Monday blood work, Tuesday blood transfusion (could be the source of the infection - she was feeling poorly and vomiting that afternoon and the following morning), Wednesday CT scan, but her temperature was rising afterwards, and a small blood clot was found in her lung, so it was decided to admit her to the hospital. However, no beds were available, so she needed to go to Emergency - at Toronto General Hospital, because PMH does not have its own Emergency. So, she was wheeled on a gurney through a tunnel from PMH to TGH, and the route took her through Mount Sinai Hospital, just for good measure! Very fortunately a bed (actually a private room) became available at PMH a few hours later, so she is now there, fever subsiding, and being well taken care of.

The next steps in her treatment will depend on the resolution of this infection and more thorough results of the CT scan.

She felt a lot better Thursday, her fever having dropped, and Miriam arrived from Montreal and immediately persuaded the nurses to let her have a bed in Anne's room. She is also being medicated to get rid of the blood clot.

This Friday, we are all together at PMH with her, and she is feeling a lot better. (We shared some take-out sushi!). After 48 hours of stability she should be allowed home, so that means tomorrow, Saturday. Yay!


Unknown said...

"Yay" is right! Onward! Will check to see when a visit is welcome. Best to all the crew. Love, Larry.

Anonymous said...

Courage to both of you.Best to all of you. We are always reading your blog. AmitiƩs, les Monnnet

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