Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I spoke too soon...

Just when I was feeling that I would get through this latest round of chemo relatively normally (not compounded by the pain from surgery complications), my day 5 turned out to be terrible. I felt bloated, nauseous, and totally ill, and after some phone calls to the home health care people (of course this happens on the Sunday of a long weekend), we were told to go to Womens' College Hospital's Urgent Care center, as it was likely to be much quicker than going to an emergency room. Not so. After 2 hours of sitting on an uncomfortable chair and threatening to go sit in the car where I could recline, they found me a stretcher and put me in a corner for another painful 4 hours. When I was finally seen by the doctor I was sent for X-Rays which showed that I was packed with stool, probably been building up for a month or more. I won't go into details of what followed - suffice it to say that it was extremely painful and ineffectual. They admitted me for an overnight, and I was put on a completely empty ward - nice after the zoo of Sunnybrook - and I had the greatest nurse ever. The next morning I was put on a drip line and blood work taken, and mega doses of laxative administered over the course of the day. When we finally had results it was painful and violent, resolved the current emergency, but didn't seem to have solved the problem. They sent me home that evening with treatment to follow here, but I think that I need a specialist. Tuesday passed in a fog of feeling really bad.

My surgeon called today to cancel the appointment that I had with him this afternoon. He is not interested in seeing me any more and has thrown the ball back to my oncologist - he is convinced that my problems have nothing to do with his surgery, but must be chemo related. I remain unconvinced. So now I am waiting for someone to take control or refer me to another specialist. I am feeling a bit better today, so one day at a time.


Unknown said...

Hi Anne, sorry to read you haven't been feeling good, we do hope by this time of day someone is taking good care of you and giving you relief
thinking of you as always,
christiane and Jean louis

Anonymous said...


I had know idea what you were going through until Salim mentioned it to me the other day.

My thoughts and prayes are with you and JP during this time.

My father was diagnosed in April with a cancerous tumor in his lung and just completed 4 rounds of chemo. He is having surgery in a couple of weeks, so I plan to go to Italy to be with him.

Now that I know about your blog, I will continue to follow your progress.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Brian Bava

Unknown said...

Keep the spirit up!! Thanks for sharing your days with us.

Anonymous said...

You're on my mind every day Anne, I hope you are feeling a bit better today, my heart is with you xxx

Ann Austin said...

So glad Rick has been there to visit. I hope it has given you a lift. Wish I could give you a big hug.

K. said...

Stay strong, you are a fighter! Thank you for keeping us updated! Lots of love and hugs from me too!

jpginestier said...

There are quite a few comment makers called "anonymous" who also don't sign their comments, and we don't know who they are! Thanks for your thoughts anyway ...

Anonymous said...

Oh Anne, that sounds like a terribly frustrating day, and pain too! Argh!! I am catching up with your blog now. Michelle Eldred xoxoxo

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