Monday, May 17, 2010


This week's postponement of chemotherapy has been like a gift of good days, especially since the weather has improved and there is still lots of painting to do on the ground floor before we move down. Yesterday I finished painting the kitchen and sunroom, and will look for some grey tiles for the counter backsplash today. We'll be putting up the shelves, and then will begin to fill them with our pots and pans - I am already using the fridge to keep extra food. I hope that by Wednesday we will have begun to move the kitchen and dining room things downstairs.

I am sleeping now with just a quarter of my sleeping pill, and imagine that a lot of this is anxiety that I might not be able to fall asleep. I'll see what happens during chemo - if I have to revert back to taking the whole pill again.

Our Minneapolis surgeon friend has requested to see my file, complete with slides and scans, for a second opinion. I don't imagine that he will find out anything different, but since making the request, I feel that I have my oncologist's full attention. It is a great feeling to have someone watching your back.

Steph is progressing with the exterior painting - the second coat is now on everything except the second floor - he will need to rent a longer ladder to reach there. It is all looking fabulous, and I can't wait for it to be completed so that I can concentrate my work on the flowerbeds below.

I am feeling very good, and have very high energy that I still must hold in check so as not to exhaust myself. I hope that my neutrophils are high enough on Wednesday for me to start round 4 of chemo. Life is fun, and it is almost barbeque weather!


Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration Anne, even to a survivor. Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto as well. I am so happy to be done with chemo and safe to fly again.

Ginny said...

Anne, you are gorgeous (what a pretty head!), delightful, and courageous.

Along with all your cheerleaders,
I join in shouting:

Lots of prayers going up for you from Alabama.

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