Friday, June 25, 2010


I seem to have gotten the wrong message - our meeting at Sunnybrook yesterday was not with the surgeon - I appear to have had my one and only session with him two weeks ago. Instead, I met with an anesthetist to go over my file, have multiple tests run, to make sure that I am ready for surgery, physically. Blood was drawn, X-rays of my chest taken, EKG measured. My CA 125 has risen to 400, which was not good news, but overall I seem good to go. Monday, when I meet with my oncologist at Princess Margaret, I'll have a chance to get some answers to my questions, but I must prepare well so that I get the most out of my 5 or 10 minutes with her.

I am keeping busy with gardening, work around the house and visits from friends. Eric has a bad cold, and is keeping away from me, wearing a mask and trying to get well fast. This is his second since his arrival in March - not much fun! Ranger has found a new place to drink - the bird bath - and he sends out the message that he is thirsty if I let it dry up by lying in it. What must the birds think??


Noa Epstein said...

You are such an inspiration.I admire you. I will write you a more personal message now to your email.

Sending you so much love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
Been thinking about you lots since my visit to Toronto. Hope your appt went well on Monday.
Sending my love and cyber-hugs,

My New Boubou

My New Boubou
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Getting better

Getting better
Wilson and Me

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I still love my chemotherapy
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I love my chemotherapy

I love my chemotherapy
walking to Princess Margaret