Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day by Day

(Still JP)
Anne has had a pretty good day today, but was sick a few times last night and this morning (some morning vomiting is expected daily). Has had less drink and no food, but remained alert most of the day and received 3 visitors. Also her brother Jan is arriving tonight.
We thank people who have sent flowers but ask you to restrain yourselves, as there are already more than a lot.
Thanks again for all your moral support.

PS: Nicole, the manufacturer of Anne's green "boubou" seen on the top photo, is one of our guests now here.


DavidHeap said...

Thanks for all these updates J-P., it must be terribly difficult for you to write under these circumstances. I check regularly and think of you two (and Miriam and Eric) often these days. Anne's radiant smile shines out through these photos and these posts, as it always does in person. Anne's smiles and hugs and helping words have meant so much to so many of us.

Anne, I hope you feel the love flowing back to you from the many MANY people whose lives you have touched positively over the years: we are all privileged to be part of a worldwide community of Anne-fans, sending you warm thoughts on this crisp January day, and every day.

J-P., please let us know if there is anything we can do -- London (Ont.) is not that far away.

Big hugs to you all!


Anonymous said...

I send you some sun from Lyon.
A nice beautiful winter day, here !

I liked the idea of Anne's fans!

Hope today will be a peaceful one after the morning troubles!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Anne and JP.
I think a lot of you these days. I wish there was something I could say that would make things better.
I miss your smiles, laughter and open arms. Lots of love Maria Fournais (and Jan, Ronja, Ask and unborn baby)

Anonymous said...

Chère Anne, Cher Jean-Paul

Nous sommes à la fois attristés des nouvelles de santé d’Anne, et admiratifs du courage que vous avez tous. Anne la première bien sur, qui lutte quotidiennement, et dont le sourire reste toujours le même, ce qui nous réjouit. Jean-Paul, qui nous a donné des nouvelles de 2010, et nous a fait partager toutes ses espérances. Il nous indiquait aussi que vos enfants « have been fabulous ».
Nous avons été ravis de vous voir en photos.
Quand je fais des sudokus, toutes mes pensées sont avec Anne. Quel est ton niveau ? Je suis aussi un passionné.

Nous vous souhaitons à tous la meilleure année 2011. Que ce « crabe » qui envahit Anne recule le plus possible, et la laisse vivre comme elle le souhaite. A Jean-Paul, et vos enfants, les meilleurs moments de bonheur.

Nous donnerons de nos nouvelles par email.
Nous vous embrassons. Bertrand

Petit mot de Marie-Paule :
Le sourire et le regard lumineux d’Anne redonnerait du courage à une armée entière. Merci pour cette jolie leçon de vie.
Continuez de vous accrocher et de vous soutenir. Nous vous aimons beaucoup, même avec les années et les kilomètres qui nous séparent.
Très gros baisers à vous tous MP.
Bertrand et Marie-Paule MEUNIER

Excel said...

Love & strength, & love & strength! You're surrounded by people who love you. And there are more who aren't near who think of you daily.

Anne looks gorgeous and full of happiness in all these pics! xxxxx & hugs - jeri

Jenny and Janis said...

Dearest Anne & JP,

Big big hugs from us! May each day be filled with warmth, healing, comfort and love. Know that we are thinking of you and we're here to lend a hand.

Take care and be blessed through and through.

-Jenny & Janis

K. said...

Dear Anne, JP, Eric, Miriam,
I'm sending all my love and lots of Texas sun and warmth to you!
Anne, this past weekend, I saw a woman dancing at a jazz club in New Orleans, and she not only looked like you, but she exuded so much joy and strength that I could have sworn it was you!
Big big big hugs,

Aimable said...

Dear Anne and JP,

There are times when I want to say something but my vocabulary becomes too limited in any language that I know. This is one of those times when I am overwhelmed by so many emotions. So, I will try to summarize. I want to let you both know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I wish you all the strength possible.

My New Boubou

My New Boubou
Boubou with handy pocket

Getting better

Getting better
Wilson and Me

Due to Popular Demand

Due to Popular Demand
I'm a Redhead

I still love my chemotherapy

I still love my chemotherapy
Who needs hair anyway?

I love my chemotherapy

I love my chemotherapy
walking to Princess Margaret