Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Blog

(This is JP):
Anne is not too keen to be writing. She is resting a lot, and is more circumspect in her choice of activities.

Yesterday there was a positive development: she had been in much pain for the 2 prior days, and had just had her third really poor night. However, the palliative doctor came to see her and decided it was a good time to switch from her painkiller pills to a morphine pump, and last night she had a deliciously long and pain-free sleep. (She has also given up most of her other pills too, with his blessing). Today has been very good, but she does have nausea - apparently a known side-effect of the morphine, for which she does have injections available, but wishes to hold off a bit to see if it will subside on its own.

She is now also enjoying a hi-tech air mattress, just delivered, thanks to the community care people.

We have had a lot of support from good friends, family and neighbours over the last while, and more visits are planned for January, some now beginning to stretch into February.

We continue to take each day one at a time, and to enjoy life as much as we can, savouring the good moments and good experiences, which are plentiful.


Peter, RCNUWC '98 said...

Dearest Anne and JP,

Just a quick message to wish you and your family a happy New Year, and a belated Merry Xmas.

I continue to follow the blog with great discipline (as opposed to the manner in which I followed math classes at RCNUWC...), and enjoy the updates from Canadia.

I think of you both often, and wanted you to know that positive healing vibes are being emitted from the general area of Switzerland.

Much love,
Peter Bernstorff.

Unknown said...

Chers Anne et Jean Paul,
Nous sommes avec vous par la pensée chaque minute , dites nous si on peut se parler sur skype par example, nous aimerions tant etre avec vous! Nous vous embrassons affectueusement, ainsi qu'Eric et Myriam
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