Saturday, January 8, 2011

Electronic confusion

JP here.
A scam was sent out in my name again (Facebook greeting cards - jpginestier has sent you happy holidays ...)
However, yesterday I did send out a real letter attached to an email with subject January 2011.


Gene said...

Got your letter JP! A fine stroke of the quill I might add. Sending you and anne and Miriam and Eric warm winter thoughts and much love. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne and dear Jean-Paul,

I send you my best wishes for this coming year, and I hope, that you will recover soon, dear Anne!

I send you my good thoughts and I hope that there is something to make you feel better.

If you happen to have access to some homeopathic drugs, I recommend the arnica and symphytum treatment, it helped me very well and it accellerates the healing process. Maybe it is worth to give it a try? It is just little grains of sugar, nothing more. And it is not expensive, either.

I hope that it will help you!

Take care, bonne guerison and a happy 2011!



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