Friday, April 23, 2010

Chemo 3 - and CA 125

Wednesday I went in for my third chemo session - the wait was long because of a staff meeting that stopped the intake for about an hour - annoying for people like me who were in for the whole day. I was lucky to be given a private room with my own bathroom when we were finally admitted - just the luck of the draw. I continued taking my sleeping pills during this whole past couple of weeks, and I think that coming in well-rested made a lot of difference to the way I reacted this time to the steroids. I slept well Wed. night (a full 8 hours), but only 5-6 last night. Could have been because we had to get up early this morning for a family counselling meeting at the hospital - good for talking about ourselves to a sympathetic ear, and speaking to each other through a third party.

I had been particularly anxious about my CA 125 results from Monday's blood test, which had not been available on chemo day. We tracked down Dr. M at the hospital this morning, and got some very encouraging results - down to 486 since the beginning of chemo 2 (1,237)!! Talk about walking on air - the relief was such a rush.

Eric has had a sore throat for the past couple of days and has been so good about wearing a face mask and washing his hands - but it is frustrating not to be able to get a good hug from him. I find it a nice change to be worrying about someone else's health for a change.

I can feel the bad weekend on its way - battle is beginning in my insides and I have started the pain killers. Good to know that I will begin feeling better again by Monday, but as long as the CA 125 continues to drop, I am a happy camper!


Camilla said...

you are definetely the cutest baldie I know! :)


Camilla said...
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Anonymous said...

Tu es MAGNIFIQUE Anne! Who needs hair indeed when you have such a beautiful smile! Je dirais meme que tu souris avec tes yeux! :)
Si jamais ton tu reves d'une coupe afro, dis le moi, je raserai mes cheveux pour toi et te ferai la plus folle perruque jamais vue sur terre! teehee!
All my Love to you and your family

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