Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feeling groovy

Seven hours of pill-induced sleep, followed by another two hours of the real stuff, and I woke up refreshed and pain free this morning. I still have pressure building up on my right side, but all things considered, this is about as good as it is going to get for the next few months, and I am not complaining. I ate a whole sandwich at lunch, plus half an avocado with homemade salsa (yes, Miriam, Dad has successfully replicated your recipe!), but spent the next little while walking off the unexpected mass in my stomach. The weather was gorgeous, and we took advantage of the 17 degrees C. to walk to the beach and back. Tiring, but very satisfying. Afraid of taking a chill, I overdressed, giving my new blue hat its first outing, but there was no wind and I got so hot that I ended up carrying my coat back over my arm. The hat feels good, and next week it will be cold again, so it will probably be put to heavy use.

Our kitten Ranger is getting so big now that he no longer fits into his favorite place, the bathroom sink, and so he has test run the kitchen sink as a poor second choice. If he continues to grow, we may have to give him the upstairs bathtub!!


Mirta said...

Something to make any cat lover laugh
Chack out other episodes as well :)

Mirta said...

sorry, here's the complete link O:-)

Camilla said...

I found cool cat too - this one is my role model! :)

Zeno said...

he's like the goldfish in a favourite children's book...

Mirta said...

O, btw, this is also really cool as headware- a just bought one for my baby boy who is now 8 months old and still bald as an egg :) it's really cool, since you can use it in so many ways and comes in so many different colors and print :)

Marii said...

17 degrees! wow!
It's around 0 in Estonia. Enormous amount of water everywhere. Soon it all will be ice.Again. Next week they say it will be around -10 :S I guess our winter won't end this year at all.

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