Monday, March 15, 2010

You can't keep a good woman down

This morning I got up (didn't wake up because I didn't sleep) feeling a bit desperate and beaten up after three pretty bleak days. We called my doctors for some advice and new medication, then headed out to the hospital for another thoracentesis (600 ccs from the left side this time), and headed home feeling noticeably better, the aches and pains subsiding as we drove. It makes me wonder if it is all the chemo, or if the pressures from the fluid build-up is playing a larger part in my discomfort.

We made a lightning visit to the local grocery store to stock up on quick protein (I am having more cravings than a roomful of pregnant women), arriving home with barbequed chicken wings, a pound of chicken liver and two packs of sliced turkey breast. I am now full to the gills with liver and broccoli, comfortable for the first time in three days, and looking forward to taking my sleeping pills tonight for a long, dreamless night of healing sleep.


Anonymous said...

Talking about pregnancy and protein cravings, there is a thing that did the trick for me, when I'd get protein crazy, but couldn't keep my food down- turned out to be quite a pick-me-up, and I know they have it everywhere in the world these days.. It's called Spirutein, and it's a protein shake that also has spirulina and all sorts of goodies in it.. AND they make them in all flavours imaginable ;)
Mirta from Croatia :))))

Anne said...

good to know Mirta! you are the second person to recommend spirulina to me - will investigate. XX

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My New Boubou
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Getting better
Wilson and Me

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I love my chemotherapy

I love my chemotherapy
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