Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring is in the air

The sunshine returned today, but it is still brisk outside. We drove Miriam and Viva to Scarborough to catch their bus back to Montreal this morning, and then walked around the neighborhood in the afternoon, visiting an open house, and were amazed at how expensive houses are right now - we are sitting on a fortune, it seems. Our fortune needs a new paint job, and I am agonizing over paint chips. We tried out some sample paint that we bought a few days ago, and it seems to be completely different from what we were expecting. I need some more input from family and friends before I'll be ready to take the plunge and invest in gallons of the stuff.

Gave myself a manicure yesterday - professional ones are out during chemo because of the danger of infection. I wouldn't pay for a manicure, but I do like going out for a pedicure during sandal weather. I have had a low-grade shooting pain near my right ear for a few days - think that it is coming from my gum, but there is no swelling - just tenderness. I'll be on the lookout for fever over the next few days, which would indicate infection. Hopefully this will just go away by itself.

Day 11 feels very good, and I have been busy and active all day long and still not feeling tired. Perhaps my five nights of good sleep have something to do with this. Yesterday I saw a psychiatrist at PMH because Dr M is concerned with my taking the sleeping pills and thought that I needed some alternative coping strategies. I left the appointment with a new prescription for pills and confirmation that my insomnia is drug induced and that these pills are not particularly dangerous. Vindication feels sweet, but I don't like thinking that my doctor is the enemy! And I am looking forward to another week of deep sleep zzzzzzzzzzz.


Anonymous said...

Hoping you continue to have many great sleeps!

Tim Loughman said...

Hi, Anne

Richard told me that you had been diagnosed with cancer and gave me your blog address. He told me you seemed to be keeping your spirits up, and I said it would be hard to imagine you any other way, and your blog confirms me in his report and my assumption. You must keep keeping them up inasmuch as that will conduce to your most expeditiously getting better, and you must get better on general principle and so that I get a rematch at Scrabble, at which I seem to recall you kicked my ass the last time I saw you in Alabama.


Anne said...

Tim, it is so nice to hear from you - you can have a rematch at Scrabble with me any time you want - nothing I love better than kicking ass!

Zeno said...

it's true.

leni said...

re: paint I see where Miriam gets it, last time it took us 6 months to pick a colour for the balconies and stairs..

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